Capturing all changes made during a planned test run is crucial to improve Test Management and delivery. Keeping a record of all changes made, such as associated cases, removed cases, properties changed, and test run updates, can help teams identify and resolve issues that may arise during the testing phase.
It is also important to always display the iteration number for the history of changes, which can be helpful in keeping track of the progress made during each iteration. This can be particularly helpful in a collaborative environment where multiple team members are working on the same project.
Vansah captures all changes in history relating to:
Test Cases associated/linked to the Plan
Test Cases removed from the Plan
The Assignee for each Test Case
The change made based on the Iteration of the Plan
To view the History of changes in a Planned Test Run
Open a Planned Test Run
In the top right hand corner click on More Options menu button
Click on History
Now you can see the History of Changes made to the Planned Test Run