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Zoom in to the Actual Test Result Screenshot
Updated over 4 months ago

As a software tester, you know that the testing process can be time-consuming and challenging. However, one way to improve your testing process is to be able to zoom into the Actual Test results when a screenshot has been added.

Zooming in can provide you with a more detailed view of the screen shot, allowing you to identify issues or bugs that you might have missed otherwise.

When you attach a screenshot inside the Test Execution window you can open the Image that was attached and click on the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons below the image preview. This will allow you to drag the image to focus on the area of interest.

  1. Open a Test Run

  2. Go to a Test Step which has a screen shot attached for the Actual Test Result

  3. Click on the Image

  4. In the image preview click on the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons below the image preview

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