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Writing Test Cases in Multi Steps Format
Updated over 5 months ago

Using Multi Steps for script writing enables users to record the testing process in a step wise manner, enhancing precision and clarity in test script creation.

Test Steps are Managed and Edited under the Test Script tab of the Test Case where Multi Steps is the default mode for Test Case writing.

To begin writing the Test Script or Test Steps click on the text ‘Click here to add a new test step and expected result’ seen below.

Step Number: The first column you will see in the Test Script tab is Step#. A Step Number or Step ID is allocated to each Test Step by default once the step has been created.

To begin writing your Test Script follow the steps below

1. Step: Write the main action for the Test Step under Step Column. You can use Tab to easily switch to the next column within the test step.

2. Test Data: Any important information relating to Test Case can be added to this column. This Column will not be displayed in the Test Run as displayed in the Test Case. However you can find the Test Data if any, by clicking the ‘View Test Data’ button, below the Result icon in the far right of your test run screen.

3. Expected Result: In the Expected Result column, document the outcome resulting from the action specified in the Step column. Ensuring accuracy in this column is essential, as the information will be visible in the Test Run during the test execution.

4. Add Step: Click Add button in the left to save the test step.

Hover Menu Options: Hovering the cursor next to the Step ID displays additional menu options, Change Position, Delete Test Step and Add New Test Step.

You also have the option to Add a New Test Step in between the existing Test Steps.

To add a New Step between the two test steps follow the steps below

1. Click the Add New Test Step button (Plus icon) from the hover menu options to see ‘Insert Before‘ and ‘Insert After‘ options. Use these 2 options to position your New Test Step.

2. On selecting a position, a New Test Step will be inserted ready to edit.

3. Once edited, click Add to save.

If the user attempts to add a new step without saving the previous step they will see the following message

Note: Clicking the ‘x’ icon will delete the Test Step.

In case user forgets to save data and attempts to leave the page, they will be prompted with a warning message reminding them to save data before leaving the page.

Change Position: Click the Sandwich icon from the hover menu options to find the options to move Test Steps to different positions.

Delete Step: Click Delete Test Step (Bin icon) to delete a Test Step. A confirmation message is displayed on the screen to action the Step deletion.

Editing a Test Step: To Edit a Test Step simply click into the Column you need to Edit. The Test Step opens into Edit mode. You can find more options in the tool bar within the Test Step window. Once Edit is completed, click the check button in the left to save changes.

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