We will use all reasonable efforts to provide telephone (Mon-Fri during normal business hours AEDT, GMT+11), web-based and/or email support to our end users for our Marketplace Apps.
At a minimum we agree to respond within 24 hours to any support request that Atlassian identifies as critical, and in all other non critical cases within five business days of request from an end user or Atlassian.
Customers looking for Enterprise Rapid Support please register here.
Support Channels
Jira-based support at https://vansahapp.atlassian.net/servicedesk
Our community is also available to support you https://community.vansah.com
Help site: help.vansah.com (Online chat available)
8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday β Friday Our support team is based in Australia (GMT +11)
What does this support include?
Providing Answers and Insights to product questions.
Addressing inquiries related to sales
Managing support tickets
Suggesting workarounds
Collecting feedback and recording feature requests