Key Highlights for this Release
Traceability – Test Traceability Reporting on Jira Parent and Child Issues using Jira List, Saved Filters and Jira Query Language (JQL)
Reusability – Automatic association of Test Cases to multiple Jira Issues through Test Import and Test Creation across projects
Collaboration – Improved Testing Process Workflow through Test Case Search Filters
Experience – Improved User Experience with Saved Filters and Jira Query Language (JQL)
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Latest Features
VFJTM-1039 From a JIRA issue or FOLDER, when adding a new test case, have the OPTION to select which project to create against.
VFJTM-1164 Vansah BurnUp Execution options to configure Everyday or Weekdays only
VFJTM-1169 Ability to search for a Test Case in the ALL Cases TAB at Issue Screen and Folder View. Search by Assignee, Priority, Test Case ID, Test Case Headline, Result and/or Type
VFJTM-1173 Ability to Import Test Cases with linked issues to your Jira local or foreign projects, referencing issues from multiple projects
VFJTM-1177 Vansah Test Traceability Report
Generate your Vansah Test Traceability Report from Jira Gadget. Search for “Vansah – Test Traceability Report” then click to add to your Jira dashboard.
VFJTM-1306 Save Filters on the Vansah Board Screen
Start tracing your traceability between your Jira issues and Test artefacts using the Issue List, Saved Filters or Jira Query Language (JQL) options.
Test Traceability Report by Jira Issue List
Test Traceability Report by Jira Issue Saved Filters
VFJTM-1229 Inclusion of more FILTERS when LINKING existing Test Cases via Folder or Issue Screen
VFJTM-1243 API Jira Workspace Token for Test Automation APIs. Universal Token to access your Jira workspace
VFJTM-1252 Update Automation APIs
VFJTM-1256 Apply Workspace Token on BI Gadget Data Integration
VFJTM-1226 Project Dropdown on new Gadgets
Defects fixed in this release
VFJTM-1196 Quick Test disabled for Jira Issue Screen on BULK UPDATE when configured in Project Settings
VFJTM-1230 Create and Edit from Jira issue
VFJTM-1235 UX changes to Test Case Screen
VFJTM-1238 Total Case count excludes Untested Test Case results in Burnup Gadget
VFJTM-1240 Test Case keys consistent across Folder and Issue Screens
VFJTM-1241 Last Updated By resolved for Test Run Screen
VFJTM-1249 Filter Search order maintained and reflected in Test Traceability Report Gadget
VFJTM-1254 Case Identifiers showing in Notification
VFJTM-1264 Testing Traceability BI API returning correct type of data for BI users
VFJTM-1267 Deleting foreign Test Cases from Jira Issue Screen