Key Highlights for this Release
Traceability – Gadget drill-downs; Enhanced linkage between JIRA Issues and Test Case Results
Reusability – Better usage of rework and recreating test artefacts to validate your Issues
Collaboration – Improved clarity with Test Run Properties; for better and more meaningful analysis
Experience – Streamlining Test Case creation, seamless test evidence capturing process, and improved user experiences
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Latest Features
VFJTM-1146 Greater visibility and traceability of test run artefacts from Jira Issue and Vansah Board
Customer Reference: Forum
VFJTM-611 Gadget Drill-down
As a user, you have the ability to drill down to the Test Cases from your Vansah Gadgets, allowing you to easily navigate your way from gadget to test cases in question. The Drill-Down feature is available for Vansah Test Summary Report, Vansah Burnup Chart, and Vansah Daily Execution Report
VFJTM-968 Vansah Board UI Changes to move add/link buttons under all cases. Remove Add button from the top right. Introduce Link and Add buttons under All Cases similar to Issue Screen
VFJTM-954 Export Test Cases should include the project KEY. Previously Project Key was not included in the Test Case Export file.
VFJTM-1099 Ability to upload Multiple Attachments to a Test Case and Test Run
VFJTM-1006 Filters added to the Filter Property indicated by a badge to show filters are selected
VFJTM-1020 Include remove case to Vansah board menu option
VFJTM-1048 Enhanced to showcase the linked JIRA issue types
VFJTM-1179 Improved Usage of Test Run properties to assist with Test Analysis and Reporting.
Defects fixed in this release
Defect Fixes
VFJTM-1123 Assignee filter on the Vansah board doesn’t get cleared after close button
VFJTM-1132 Planned Test Runs in Folder view are returning all Planned Test Runs
VFJTM-1130 History showing username.
VFJTM-788 Moving a Test Case is starting the timer incorrectly
VFJTM-887 Display the project name and project key for disabled/projects in config
VFJTM-965 Automation (v3) runs are not coming as results in the Vansah Gadgets
VFJTM-969 Cannot open case dialog after user creates and edits case from Vansah board.
VFJTM-981 Add a new type from the Jira Issue Screen
VFJTM-956 Test Run result not showing against test case test run history when executing a test from the Test Case screen
VFJTM-1133 When the user opens a planned test run (created from an issue) from Vansah board, it shows error
VFJTM-1115 UI Overlap of data for priority being shown over type
VFJTM-1135 Summary Report Gadget click view issues
VFJTM-1140 In Vansah Test Execution Gadget, Untested Test Cases are not showing
VFJTM-1163 Unable to import test cases through Import Test Cases
VFJTM-1203 Unable to filter for Test Runs from a Test Case view
VFJTM-969 Cannot open case dialog after user creates and edits case from Vansah board