Cloning Test Folders allows you to reuse an existing Test Folder with all related sub folders and Test Cases. This saves time and effort as you don’t have to recreate the same Test Folder from scratch.
You may also Clone a Test Folder to any project along with all subfolders and Test Cases including Test Plans.
Steps to Clone a Test Folder:
1.Hover over the Test Folder you want to clone.
2. Select the more options menu option besides the Test Folder you wish to Clone
3. Click on Clone from the Menu
4. Select the options when cloning. When you Clone a Test Folder you have a choice of:
Re-use Test Cases: This option will re-use existing Test Cases or
Clone Test Cases: This option will Clone the current Test Cases (New Test Cases).
You can also Clone Sub Test Folders and Planned Test Runs (Test Plans).
Click Next to continue.
5. You can select to clone the Test Folder to the existing project or any other project you have access to.
Now you can choose to clone the folder within the existing Test Folder tree. Alternatively you may create a new Test Folder by right clicking to see the menu option for managing existing Folders .
Click Clone to complete the action.